
What is Gravitation?

Gravitation is the force of attraction between two bodies of the universe.  

By Who,When and How was gravitation was introduced?

It was discovered by Sir Isaac Newton in 1665, When he was sitting under an apple tree suddenly an apple fall onto his head. He was wondering why that the apple fell down from the tree to the ground. If we were there we will stare at it and we would eat it and continue with our work but the great Mathematician and commonly known for the law of motion discovered a new term called as 'GRAVITATION'

Let's now learn about the three laws stated by him,

           Newton not only discovered gravity , he also given law of Gravitation to the Universe. Now we see the three laws of motion stated by him.

First law of motion:

Newton's first law of motion states that,
 "Every object persists in its state of rest or uniform motion unless it is compelled by an external unbalanced force."
This law is commonly known as the law of inertia.
What is meant by inertia?
Inertia means the tendency of an object to do nothing or remains unchanged.
For example:
Let's think that a man in a race car who is driving his car very fast suddenly he makes hard turn towards left...….
When he made a hard turn towards left his body is in the state of inertia that is the body was moving towards the same direction
as he travelled.  

Second law of motion: 
 The newton's second law of motion states that,
 "the acceleration of the object is depending upon the two variables one is the net force acting upon the body and the other is the mass of the object.
m- mass of the body
v - velocity of the body
t - time.
Riding your bicycle is the best example for this law.

Third Law of motion:

Newton's third law of motion states that,
"Every action as an equal and opposite reaction"
+Gun while firing

You can see both the reactions in the battleship pictures.


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